Semcon StoriesQuality Excellence
The importance of quality management within medtech
Leading a team within Quality Management at Semcon in Gothenburg, Erika Palm is dedicated to securing quality in often complex projects. She occasionally steps into the role of project manager herself and is responsible for ensuring that her newly-employed stars as well as experienced experts create value for the customer. Read more about the importance of quality in medical technology and what APKD actually stands for.

In managing a team within Quality Management at Semcon, my full focus remains on the customer. I am responsible for ensuring that our new company stars, who are at the beginning of their working lives, as well as our experienced experts help our customers in the best possible way. I am a firm believer in sustainable business where, together with the customer, we can truly create value. In addition to my role as manager, I also support customers as a project lead.
We work predominantly with companies in the life science sector, mainly in medical technology, and the team is made up of project managers, product developers, quality managers, interim managers, testers and more. The breadth of our expertise is incredibly valuable and, as an experienced project manager, I also support customers in realising the best process for their particular product.
Still, there are some challenges when it comes working within quality. For example, when quality thinking is not incorporated at the start of projects. Giving the planning and quality work the time it needs at an early phase ensures the right process from the beginning. And it’s invaluable further down the line.
Working in this area at Semcon is a lot of fun. We are strong in life sciences, which is the industry I am really passionate about. It’s fantastic that we are involved in developing and creating new products to ensure many people can live a better life. And it’s here where quality is incredibly important. I personally have sat beside my beloved grandfather in his care home, seeing first-hand the support and help that is needed on a daily basis.
Semcon's key strengths in the area:
Semcon has ISO 13485 Medical devices certification, which means that we have a quality system and competence to help companies within the medical technology field.
With an incredibly wide range of engineers, we can be considered as a product development department and help with complete solutions.
We are an attractive company that many people want to work for. And we only employ the very best.
Our company culture is characterised by: “Being people who put people first". We care and want all employees to be themselves in the workplace, be listened to and contribute with their own perspectives. It’s important.
Semcon prioritises sustainability and works actively towards the green transition. I am convinced that as a consulting company we can act as a catalyst for others, since we can transfer competence between businesses and speed up the transition.
About Erika:
Title: Team Manager
Education: MSc Chemical Engineering
Worked at Semcon since: 2021
I have most fun at work when I... see employees develop and take on increasingly challenging assignments. I also think it's a lot of fun to support customers as a project manager. I love our APKD – in Swedish that stands for ‘arbeta på kontoret dagar’ - work-in-the-office days. That’s when consultants come into the office and we eat lunch and enjoy fika - Swedish coffee breaks - together. It’s the variety of the job that I appreciate a lot.