Other industries.
Semcon works in a wide range of industries, such as life science, energy, mobility, telecom and public sectors. This leads to a great deal of advantages for our customers.
Our experts are accustomed to rapid developments and we believe that the very breadth of industries plays a big role in this. We always try to take best practices from one industry to create an advantage in another. When we have the opportunity to cross-reference ideas and exchange experiences, the result is simply better.
Our focus is on the industries where we can make a difference. Some more examples include:
In the high-paced and ever-changing transformation of the telecom and IT landscape, being able to provide users with instant access to reliable, scalable and relevant digital solutions is a competitive edge.
With the latest know-how within software development, including Java, .Net, Frontend, UX and Test & Quality Assurance, Semcon support the retail industry with for example user-friendly e-commerce solutions or app development.
Semcon has more than 40 years of experience in product and production development. For the rail customer we can offer, among other things, support in design and development of testing rigs and solutions for improving communication connectivity.
We can support customers within finance with assignments in, for example, software development. The projects span areas such as web systems, support systems or integration based on technologies such as Java, JavaScript and Microsoft .Net.