Electrical Engineering
Semcon has long experience and broad knowledge of electrical engineering from a variety of companies and applications, for example in the areas of manufacturing industry, heavy vehicles and electric power. With our experienced team of electrical engineers and specialists, we offer expertise in planning and construction to ensure the success of your project.
Electrical engineering has undergone a revolutionary change through the technological advancements of recent years. By embracing digitisation, sustainability, and advanced technologies the industry has opened up for new possibilities for efficient and intelligent electrical systems. With a versatile and experienced group of experts, we offer tailored consulting services to meet your unique needs and requirements in electrical engineering.
Electrical documentation is a crucial component within electrical engineering and electrical maintenance. It forms the backbone of secure and efficient electrical systems, enabling smooth operation, maintenance, and future upgrades. Accurate and updated documentation provides you with confidence and the ability to face today's and tomorrow's challenges in electrical engineering and maintenance.

Our expertise includes:
Electrical engineering
Vehicle electronics
Electrical power construction
Project planning
Cable calculations
Electrical documentation