Special-purpose machine provides clean air
In many working environments, such as bakeries, carpentry workshops, department stores and warehouses, the air fills quickly with dust and dirt particles. Zehnder manufactures air filtration systems for precisely these types of environments. When they needed a new manufacturing machine for their air filter, the assignment went to Semcon.

CompetencesIndustrial automationMachinery Safety
It started with an innovation: an air filtration system in which dirty air blows through a filter consisting of many thin, statically charged flimmer fibres that draw in the dirty particles from the air. Zehnder currently markets its air filtration system CleanAir Solutions primarily to engineering, food production as well as warehouse and logistics industries – anywhere dust causes problems for employees, production processes or products. Semcon has been involved in the air filtration system in a number of ways over the years. Initially with the design and construction of two air filtration systems, and most recently by building the special machine that produces the advanced filters used in the air filtration system. Zehnder needed to increase its capacity and was looking for a new machine that was faster, more effective and ensured higher availability than the existing one. The assignment entailed a turnkey project in which Semcon designed, constructed, programmed and manufactured the entire filter manufacturing machine with full functional responsibility. To cope with the production increase, a robotic cell was also ordered for packing and partial assembly of the filter. All equipment was function-tested in Göteborg before delivery to Zehnder’s factory in Motala.
The Industry 4.0 vision
In an era of sweeping digitization throughout every corner of society, the area of production is also undergoing a transformation. A connected industry offers many advantages. Industry 4.0 strives for an automated and connected manufacturing process that can, among other things, reduce turnover times and error rates, and create more customized products. By measuring and connecting machines together, manufacturing companies can get a better idea of what is working and not working in their factories. The machine that Semcon delivered to Zehnder is designed to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by digitization, from remote monitoring and support to AI with data analyses and machine learning.

Semcon’s delivery
Product development:
Industrial design, through a design update of Zehnder CleanAir air filtration systems
The reconstruction of Zehnder CleanAir air filtration units to a modular system, tailored to the new design
Special-purpose machine and robotic cell for manufacturing of air filter:
Commissioning and FAT in Gothenburg
CE-marking and documentation
Delivery, installation, SAT and training at customer premises in Motala
Service and support