Needs analysis to help Ung Cancer further their reach
Ung Cancer is an independent, non-profit organisation that supports young adults who are diagnosed with cancer or close to someone with the disease. When the organisation noticed challenges in reaching part of its target group, the help of Semcon was enlisted to conduct a needs analysis. The project was carried out as part of Semcon's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme.
CustomerUng Cancer
CompetencesDesign & User Experience
Every year in Sweden, over 800 young adults aged 15-29 are diagnosed with cancer. Moreover, thousands of young adults live as the children, siblings, partners or friends of the nearly 70,000 people suffering annually with the disease. Ung Cancer works to ensure that all young adults affected by or living close to someone with cancer receive the support they are entitled to. They offer places and opportunities for young adults to meet and share experiences, various rehabilitative courses and camps as well as the opportunity to apply for financial support. Today, the organisation has around 4,200 members.
Research to understand needs
Semcon supported Ung Cancer with a needs analysis to help in reaching the target group of relatives and friends of cancer patients aged 16-30. This important research project to understand their needs was mapped through a survey, interviews and focus groups. With these methods, the team gained an understanding of where the people in the target group are situated, what their needs are and how Ung Cancer can meet those needs. The insights led to concrete proposals and ideas that were presented to Ung Cancer.
It feels so good and important to collaborate with an organisation that actively works for people who need support. Through interaction with the target group, we have gained a deeper insight into how our work can contribute to improving their situation.
- Ida Lundqvist, UX Design student at Semcon and part of the project team.
Benefits created for Ung Cancer
The project has led to increased understanding of the target group, which creates an opportunity for Ung Cancer to capture and reach out to them - and consequently offer support to more young people that have relatives or friends with the disease.