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ArticleLife Science

What does digital health involve?

We need to go on finding new forms of innovation if we are to be able to offer proactive, more personal, cost-effective care. Digital health involves digitising services with a view to preventing and managing illnesses more effectively.


Expectations on digital health of a growing industry

Research indicates that digital technology has the potential to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs significantly. The global digital health market is expected to top SEK 408 billion by 2025.

Flexible healthcare through digitization

The new opportunities offered by digitisation can be applied to a range of different applications – everything from electronic medical records, virtual visits and patient portals to early detection and diagnosis of illness, self-management of chronic conditions and psychological support.

Digital health gives more focus on patient well-being

For caregivers, this means safer, faster decisions can be made, in turn increasing the patient’s trust. Access to relevant patient information and direct contact with specialists where so required will help to improve patient safety. Moreover, access to laboratory test results and personal health information are an important element in patient involvement and the patient’s own decision-making. Good digital health within the organisation will therefore give the patient a promise of accessibility and security – two fundamental factors for competitive care offerings.


Sara Sjögren, Semcon

Sara Sjögren

Country Manager Sweden

East & South